When I Shut Down and Start Up My Computer Again Apps Are Still Opened

Fix: Windows 10 apps won't open [Full Guide]

Milan has been enthusiastic most PCs ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. Before joining WindowsReport, he worked as a front end-cease web developer. Read more than

Posted: March 2021

  • If the Windows 10 apps won't open, you're probably missing some updates.
  • I way of fixing Windows ten programs non opening  is to start the Apps troubleshooter equally shown below.
  • Yous tin too solve this problem past using a third-party app as recommended our guide.

Windows 10 apps not opening


Apps are an of import role of any OS, Windows 10 included. While they are primal to the overall feel, some users have reported that Windows 10 apps won't open up on their computers.

We were intrigued by the prospect of Windows 10 programs not opening and started digging effectually to see what could cause this abnormal beliefs.

The program won't open when I click on it in Windows 10 is merely the tip of the iceberg.

It turns out, in that location are numerous circumstances that can facilitate the appearance of this glitch, and so let'due south get straight to it.

Why are my Windows apps not opening?

Most common scenarios Fault description
Windows 10 apps not working after update – Many users reported programs not working after installing a specific Windows update
– Such errors are non uncommon, just y'all tin hands prepare them with a dedicated Windows update repair tool
Windows ten apps won't open from the Taskbar – Applications won't start by using the Taskbar shortcut or they won't show / won't maximize
– Programs are running in the Task Director just not opening in Windows ten
– The event ordinarily occurs on dual monitor setups
Windows 10 apps won't open afterward Arrangement Restore – If a Organization Restore does not consummate successfully or if it encounters any type of file corruption, it tin can crusade this and other problems to appear
Windows 10 apps open and close immediately – Windows ten apps won't stay open up
– Constant crashing / crashing on launch
Windows x Settings apps won't open – It may be greyed out or missing completely
– If the Windows 10 Setting app is constantly crashing, all related programs will be impacted
Windows 10 apps won't open up (Administrator) – This result appears when trying to run applications while using an administrator account
Windows 10 apps won't open from the Start menu – This outcome is closely linked to cases where the Offset bill of fare disappeared altogether (and it can arrive in all Windows versions)
Windows 10 apps won't open after a restart – Programs cease working following a system restart
Laptop apps not opening – From File Explorer to browsers, your laptop won't open annihilation
– The issue tin can be caused by software as well equally registry conflicts

Then, what is ordinarily the easiest way to fix an application which won't beginning anymore? Don't worry, we fabricated sure to include all the steps and make things as easy equally possible.

How do I ready apps not opening in Windows 10?

ane. Make sure that Windows Update service is running

  1. Press Windows Cardinal + R to open the Run dialog.
  2. When the Run dialog opens, enter services.msc and printing Enter or click OK.
    Windows 10 apps won't start
  3. Locate Windows Update on the list of services. Make sure that Startup Type is set to Transmission or Automatic.
  4. If it's not, double click the Windows Update service to open its backdrop.
  5. When the Properties window opens, find the Startup Type section and select Manual or Automated from the list.
    Windows 10 apps won't run
  6. Click Apply and OK to save the changes.

Sometimes, these types of bug can be fixed by performing a Windows Update, so make sure that you have the latest updates installed.

  1. Open Settings App and become to Update & Security.
  2. Go to the Windows Update section and download the latest updates.

2. Run the troubleshooter

  1. In social club to run this troubleshooter, you will need to type troubleshooter in Windows search and click on Troubleshoot settings from the results.
  2. Next, click on Boosted troubleshooters.
  3. Whorl downwardly to select the Windows Store Apps and click on Run the troubleshooter.
  4. It will take a while if yous have many apps installed but in the end, try to open up the apps that are not opening and see if the upshot has been fixed.

If Windows 10 apps won't open, you might want to run the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter. Nevertheless, this procedure is now guaranteed to work and you will also lose some precious fourth dimension in the procedure.

It's a lot amend to utilise qualified third-political party tools such as Restoro. The process is entirely automated and safety. Moreover, the results are a lot more consistent.

3. Make sure that your apps are up to date

3.1 Update the apps in Microsoft Shop

  1. Open up Microsoft Store app, you tin can practise that by pressing Windows Key + Due south and blazon Store. From the list of results cull Store.
  2. When the Windows Store app opens, click on your Microsoft Account icon in the pinnacle correct corner (next to the Search box) and choose Downloads and updates from the carte du jour.
    Windows 10 apps won't run
  3. Click Check for updates button and update all apps.

If the Store app isn't working, you can try the same steps from a dissimilar user business relationship on your computer, or you can utilise the Control Prompt to force updates.

iii.ii Force app updates using Control Prompt

  1. Search cmd in Windows search and click on Run as administrator to open Command Prompt with full rights.
  2. When Command Prompt starts, enter the post-obit line and printing Enter: schtasks /run /tn "Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Automated App Update"
    Windows 10 apps won't stay open

The control will trigger performing automated updates for Windows apps and then give it a try right at present.

If a specific app is non opening in Windows 10, y'all may need to reinstall it. To do that, follow the steps below.

  1. Open Start Card and locate the problematic app.
  2. Correct-click it and cull Uninstall.
  3. Afterwards the app has been uninstalled, open up Store app and try to download information technology again.

4. Perform Store enshroud reset

  1. Open up Control Prompt as ambassador.
  2. When Command Prompt starts, type wsreset.exe and printing Enter to run it.
    Windows 10 apps stopped working
  3. Shut Command Prompt and effort launching the Store app and updating your apps.

If you can't open the Store app, and there'southward no way to update your apps, you might desire to perform a enshroud reset past following the steps in a higher place.

In almost cases, that should suffice. Notwithstanding, the issue can be bigger than that and you might demand to perform some additional steps in case the Microsoft Store still does non work properly.

five. Brand sure that Application Identity service is running

  1. Press Windows Key + R and blazon services.msc. Press Enter or click OK.
    Windows 10 apps won't install
  2. When the Services window opens, notice Application Identity service and double click it.
  3. When Application Identity Backdrop window opens, find the Service condition section.
    Windows 10 apps won't download
  4. If the Service condition is set to Finish, click the Start button to showtime the service.
  5. Click Apply and OK to salvage the changes.
  6. Shut the Services window and restart your computer.

half-dozen. Change ownership of your C: bulldoze

6.1. Change C: buying

  1. Open This PC and locate the bulldoze where Windows 10 is installed. By default, it should be in the C:/ sectionalisation.
  2. Right-click the drive and choose Properties.
    Windows 10 apps won't stay open
  3. Go to the Security tab and click the Advanced button.
    Windows 10 apps won't show
  4. Discover the Owner section and click Alter.
    Windows 10 apps won't maximize
  5. Select User or Group window will appear. Click the Advanced button.
  6. Click the Find At present button ( A list of users and user groups will appear).
  7. Select the Administrators group and click OK.
    Windows 10 apps won't launch
  8. In Select User or Grouping window click OK.
    Windows 10 apps stopped working
  9. In Advanced Security Settings window owners should be inverse to Administrators and the Administrators grouping should exist added to the Permission entries list.
  10. Check Supervene upon owner on sub containers and objects.
    Windows 10 apps won't install
  11. Click Apply and OK. Wait for the process to complete.

Sometimes Windows 10 apps won't open up due to ownership issues, but you can easily set up that. To alter the buying of a folder, or a hard drive partition, perform the steps from above.

6.2. Add together Total Control permissions for ALL Application PACKAGES grouping

  1. Open your disk division Properties and become to the Security tab.
  2. Click the Edit push button.
    Windows 10 apps won't download
  3. Permissions for the Local Disk window volition open. Click the Add button.
    Windows 10 apps won't update
  4. Select User or Group window will appear. Click the Advanced push, and and so click Find At present.
  5. Locate ALL Awarding PACKAGES on the list, select it, and click OK.
    Windows 10 apps won't load
  6. Click OK again.
  7. ALL Awarding PACKAGES will now be added to the list. Click it and select Full Control. Click Apply and OK to save the changes.
    Windows 10 apps won't start
  8. If the issue all the same persists, open up disk sectionalization backdrop, go to the Security tab, and add together Full control to the Users group.

7. Change FilterAdministratorToken in Registry Editor

  1. Printing Windows Cardinal + R in guild to open up the Run dialog.
  2. When the Run dialog opens, type Regedit and printing Enter or click OK.
    Windows 10 apps crash on launch
  3. When Registry Editor opens, navigate to the following primal in the left pane: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Organisation
    Windows 10 applications keep closing
  4. On the right pane notice the 32-bit DWORD chosen FilterAdministratorToken  (If FilterAdministratorToken DWORD doesn't exist, you can create information technology by right-clicking in the right pane and choosing New and selecting the DWORD (32-chip) Value.)
  5. Now change the name of the new value to FilterAdministratorToken.
  6. Double click FilterAdministratorToken DWORD. In the Value information field enter one and click OK to relieve the changes.
    Windows 10 apps don't work
  7. Close Registry Editor and restart your computer.

eight. Use PowerShell

  1. Press Windows Primal + South and type PowerShell. Notice PowerShell on the list of results and right-click it. Choose Run equally administrator.
  2. When PowerShell starts, enter the following lines. Press Enter afterward each line and wait for it to terminate before entering a new line of code: Go-appxpackage -packageType bundle |% {add together-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "appxmetadataappxbundlemanifest.xml")} $bundlefamilies = (become-appxpackage -packagetype Parcel).packagefamilyname go-appxpackage -packagetype primary |? {-non ($bundlefamilies -contains $_.packagefamilyname)} |% {add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($_.installlocation + "appxmanifest.xml")}

If the Shop awarding cannot launch, you won't exist able to update whatsoever apps that won't open, and so information technology's advised that you apply PowerShell in order to fix this problem.

You can also try this command.

  1. Start PowerShell as administrator.
  2. Enter the post-obit command and press Enter to run it: ren %windir%System32AppLockerPlugin*.* *.bak
  3. Close PowerShell and restart your computer.

9. Move the Database folder from one profile to another

  1. Start Command Prompt (Admin).
  2. Enter the following lines and printing Enter afterward each line in order to execute it: internet user "TempAdmin1" "password1" /add together net user "TempAdmin2" "password2" /add net localgroup administrators "TempAdmin2" /add together
  3. Log out of your electric current business relationship by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete and clicking on Sign out.
  4. Log in to the TempAdmin1 account. Users enter password1 as a countersign.
  5. Log out of the TempAdmin1 business relationship as you did in Step 4.
  6. Log in to the TempAdmin2 account. Use password2 as a password.
  7. Afterwards you've logged in to the TempAdmin2 business relationship, open File Explorer.
  8. Click the View tab and click on Hidden items. This volition reveal hidden files and folders.
    Windows 10 apps won't uninstall
  9. Navigate to the post-obit location on your hard-drive: C:\Users\Temp\Admin1\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer
  10. Find the Database folder, right-click information technology, and choose Copy.
    Windows 10 apps won't load
  11. Now you need to paste that folder to your main profile. Navigate to this folder: C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer
  12. Find the Database folder and change its name to Database.BAD.
  13. Correct-click on the empty space and choose Paste from the menu.
  14. Restart your reckoner and become back to your main profile.
  15. Press Windows Key + S and type User Accounts. Choose User Accounts from the listing.
  16. Click Manage some other account, select TempAdmin1, and TempAdmin2 accounts and click on Delete Business relationship to remove these accounts.
    Windows 10 apps crash on launch

To complete this solution, we'll demand to create ii new profiles and movement the Database folder from 1 profile to your chief contour.

Although this procedure might look a bit complex, simply follow the steps higher up carefully and yous should be able to complete information technology.

ten. Create a new local account

  1. Open Settings and get to Accounts.
  2. Get to Family and other users and click Add together someone else to this PC.
    Windows 10 applications keep closing
  3. Click I don't have this person's sign-in information.
    Windows 10 apps don't work
  4. Now click Add together a user without Microsoft account.
    Windows 10 apps won't start
  5. Enter the username and password for the new user.
  6. Get to Settings, select Accounts and click on Your Business relationship.
  7. Click Sign in with local business relationship instead.
  8. Enter your current password and click Side by side.
  9. Afterward you've washed that, enter username and countersign for your local business relationship and click Sign out and finish.
  10. Switch to a new local account and movement your personal files to it.
  11. Go to Settings, select Accounts, click on Your Account and click Sign in with a Microsoft account instead.
    Windows 10 apps won't run
  12. Enter your username and countersign and click Sign in.
    Windows 10 apps won't stay open
  13. Now you tin delete your old business relationship and continue using this ane.

If Windows 10 apps won't open, yous might take to create a new business relationship and transfer all your personal files to it. This solution can prove just as effective for situations when Windows 10 default apps go missing.

Bug with Windows x apps that won't open aren't that common, but some programs are more likely to be affected than others:

  • WhatsApp for desktop
  • Slack app
  • Office 365 programs such as Microsoft Give-and-take and more

Ane more thing before we wrap it up – Microsft's freshest Bone is non exempt from this erratic (yet occasional) behavior. In case you're already struggling, nosotros prepared some equally comprehensive steps to aid you out when Windows 11 apps won't open.

That'south all from united states. How would you force an app to open up in Windows 10? If you happen to know of any other solutions, experience gratis to drop us a line in the comments.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If Command Panel is not opening it's probably considering of file abuse issues. Luckily, we have an excellent guide that volition help yous ready Control Panel.


Source: https://windowsreport.com/windows-10-apps-wont-open/

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